The Pros and Cons of Consumer Panels
There are so many types and sizes of consumer panels these days--how do you decipher which is right for you? Here's a rundown of each consumer panel.
Quiz: How Innovative Are You?
Everyone has innovative capabilities in them, it's just a matter of how much. Take this quiz to find out how innovative you are!
Availability Bias | How it Affects Innovation
What is Availability Bias? How does Availability Bias affect innovation? Find out examples and more. Also see, Availability Heuristic.
Creative Problem Solving and Lateral Thinking
Creative problem solving is a familiar term, but what about lateral thinking? Learn what the term means, and how this indirect approach can enhance your problem solving abilities.
How Ideation Is Like Rowing
Innovation Process Facilitator Greg Cobb explores rowing as a metaphor for brainstorming. Just as rowing is a surprisingly unnatural motion that benefits from coaching, brainstorming and ideation are learned behaviors that require the right techniques to be most effective.