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Quaker Oatmeal Dinosaur Eggs doubled first year sales projections, and was so successful that Quaker returned to Ideas To Go a year later to develop additional “fun in the bowl” instant oatmeal offerings for kids. The second project resulted in the development of two additional oatmeal varieties, Treasure Hunt and Sea Adventures.



Quaker wanted to expand their offerings in the hot cereal category, especially by exploring ideas for fun products and packaging for kids ages 6-9 years. Any products developed would also have to be acceptable to gatekeeper moms.

To help them in this effort, Ideas To Go designed a new product ideation project with eight Creative Consumers® associates (CCs) and seven specially recruited Creative Consumers® kids (CC kids). The CC kids participated in an inspiration panel, while the client team and adult CCs observed from the back room. Then, using the kids’ discussion as stimulus, the CCs participated in their own ideation session with the client team.

This resulted in:

  • 895 consumer insights, wishes and new product and packaging possibilities

  • 17 target areas, 9 of which were explored in session

  • 15 original concepts taken through 2 consumer reaction groups

  • 1 new product



Expand Quaker's offerings in the hot cereal category, especially for kids ages 6-9 years old.


A new oatmeal that doubled first year sales projections, and led to additional line extensions.