How to Write a Good Consumer Insight

Writing Great Insights

Writing Good Consumer Insights

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. If that’s the case, then marketers should consider a well-written insight to be the equivalent of a business-building bazooka. But truth be told, insights don’t always come together quickly or easily when developing concepts. Most of the time, it takes a lot of time and effort to get them articulated just right. They must be compelling, without being preachy. They must be truthful, without being too obvious. They must be empathetic, without being presumptuous.

Good insights must be compelling, without being preachy. They must be truthful, without being too obvious. They must be empathetic, without being presumptuous. 

So where to begin? First, insist on actual insights. There are a few common traps that even seasoned marketers fall into when trying to craft insight statements. One example is mistaking a reverse benefit (“Wouldn’t it be nice if…”) for an insight. “Crafting a testable insight starts by stripping out the benefits-in-disguise,” says Writer and Creative Director Liza Babcock. “Any time I see ‘I want’ or ‘I need’ in a statement, I step back and look for what is behind that want—to find the ‘because’ or ‘so what?’ in it.” Another issue to avoid is the tendency to trade insights for mere platitudes that leave the reader bored and thinking “duh,” after reading them. 

To move beyond these tendencies, consider these guidelines to make sure you’re executing a good insight:

  • Always strive to be succinct, concrete and descriptive.

  • Make insights simple and easy to understand. Communicate only the most important information—and do it in as few words as possible.

  • Don’t wander off-course. Find the most compelling way to communicate the lead idea.

  • And most importantly, express insights as a consumer might say them and relate to them. Avoid marketing speak at all costs.

Finally, take the time to get it right when it comes to constructing insights. Do your research. Talk to consumers. And then frame your insight statements in light of those learnings: 

  • Beliefs—these statements begin with “I believe…” or “I feel that…”

  • Hypotheses or Speculations—this type of insight usually begins with “As far as I know…” or “Common knowledge suggests…”

  • Meaningful Facts—statements that start with “The fact is…” and “It’s true that…”

Writing a great insight is a real art-form. When done well, it should sound spot-on, ring true and appear effortless. But as with any art, it’s only achieved with hard work and a skilled hand. Do it correctly, and your insight work has the ability to transform your concepts into a true masterpiece.


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